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G&A also offers their remote video monitoring service – CONSTANT MONITORING.  With remote video monitoring, operators are standing by around the clock, monitoring your cameras from their state of the art Command Center located in Dallas, Houston, Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria.  Some customers utilize the service only during off-hours.   


G&A Surveillance would like to provide the following information, in regards to installing and setting up the components needed to provide the facility with a state of the art Centralized Monitoring Station (CMS).  With the CMS customer, can proactively monitor and respond to activity taking place throughout the facility.


The monitoring center by design will allow the customer, cameras to be used not just for viewing, but instead will allow them to report activity as its taking place.  With a variety of reporting criteria that can be programmed into the system, the cameras now become an instrument to alert the officials of various developments around the facility.


When an event occurs, your security cameras begin to transmit directly to CMS via an encrypted high speed link, and the capability is available to send that information to hand held devices.  Immediately, this information can be used to contact Local Law Enforcer and have them dispatched to the appropriate areas; typically within seconds of the intruder being detected.  Video of these events are stored on the server or transferred using any compatible media available, ensuring the evidence is always available.


With a large number of cameras positioned around your location, it is impossible to have an eye watching each one all the time.  Due to that, a traditional DVR system will only allow you to go back and see what took place after the crime has been committed with the hopes that there is enough video evidence to make a positive identification of the perpetrator.  Our Video Command Center enhances the systems you have in place and allows the video of an incident taking place to be brought to the forefront as it is happening. Sophisticated artificial intelligence allows detection of perimeter violations, missing and left objects, Loitering Detection, Flow Counting items, License plate detection, Gender detection, and of course Motion Detection. Once one of these preprogrammed definitions is violated, the system goes into action and displays the event.  At that point, local law enforcer can be notified of an actual crime in progress. With your help let’s cut down on crime.

G&A Surveillance

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Centralized Monitoring Station

Copyright 2019  © G&A Surveillance. All rights reserved.

G&A Surveillance is a Subsidiary of Zycom Surveillance.

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